© Dhamma Bhanu

A ray of light of Dhamma


The first Vipassana meditation centre established in Japan (1989), Dhamma Bhanu lies in the northwestern part of Kyoto prefecture, near to Mizuho town. The centre is easily reached by public transport from Kyoto JR station (90min) which has rail and bus services to all major cities and airports. Dhamma Bhanu is located in rural countryside, in a peaceful location surrounded by forest and farm land. Courses are held at the centre throughout the year and are conducted in both English and Japanese with participants attending from all over Japan. Dhamma Bhanu currently has the capacity to accommodate 65 students plus teachers and management and is administrated by the Japan Vipassana Association, a non-profit organization.



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Although Indian by descent, Mr. Goenka was born and raised in Myanmar (Burma). While living there, he had the good fortune to come into contact with Sayagyi U Ba Khin and to learn the technique of Vipassana from him. After receiving training from his teacher for 14 years, Mr. Goenka settled in India and began teaching Vipassana in 1969. In a country still sharply divided by differences of caste and religion, the courses offered by Mr. Goenka soon attracted thousands of people from every part of society. In addition, many people from countries around the world came to join courses in Vipassana meditation.

Specialized & focus

Programs & Retreats

Vipassana, which means to see things as they really are, is one of India’s most ancient techniques of meditation. It was taught more than 2500 years ago as a universal remedy for universal ills: an Art of Living. For those who are not familiar with Vipassana Meditation, an Introduction to Vipassana by Mr. Goenka is available. How is it learnt? The technique of Vipassana Meditation is taught at ten-day residential courses during which participants learn the basics of the method, and practice sufficiently to experience its beneficial results. No previous experience of meditation is required. After reviewing the Code of Discipline for Vipassana courses and checking the course schedule, you may apply for a course. Where are courses held? There are two Vipassana meditation centres in Japan: Dhamma Bhanu, Kyoto, and Dhammadicca, Chiba.

Non-sectarian and open to anyone in reasonable physical and mental health


Dhamma Bhanu – 2-1 Iwakamioku – Hatta – Kyotanba-cho – Funai-gun – Kyoto 622-0324 – Japan

© Dhamma Bhanu